Enter the cockpit

Beechcraft Baron with panoramic projection. (PH-JAS)
Piper Chieftain/Beech Baron.
This simulator was our acquisition in August 2006 and was based on a Piper PA-31-350 Chieftain,
a 10-seater aircraft with two piston engines.
The simulator was made operational with Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX.
We have converted the instruments in the panel so that the information from FSX can be read directly from them.
However, we are not simulating a Piper Chieftain, but a Beechcraft B58 Baron .
The vision system is presented with three projectors so that we have a 120 degree panoramic view!

Airbus A310 (PH-AGX)
The former KLM simulator, built by CAE, was put into service by KLM in 1984.
In mid-2010, 'Stichting De Link' took over this Full Flight Simulator, which simulates an Airbus A310, from the KLM Flight Academy in Eelde.
The top section, 5.5 m wide and 7 m long, was removed from the 6 hydraulic cylinders that provided the simulator with movement and transported to Someren on a low loader in October 2010.
The movement of this simulator has been eliminated due to its high energy consumption.
(See photo and also our film under menu item Images & Filmstrip)
The old computer from 1984 has made way for a modern PC on which the old system now runs.
This PC is connected to the control cabinets of the simulator via a self-built interface.
We improved the vision system, that originally generated an image with only light points, by having Microsoft (FSX) translate the data from the main computer into a 180 degree view spread over 6 screens.
A beautiful place, you have probably never been so close to reality.
The impressive cockpit of the Airbus A310 — always spectacular — was fully operational in 2018 after approximately six years of tinkering.

Beechcraft Bonanza-G36 with G1000 Glass-cockpit. (PH-BWX)
Our PH-BWX was a 2-seater Beechcraft Bonanza-36 sim from the beginning of this century.
The Bonanza is a single-engine aircraft, the sister of the Baron (2-engine, but with a similar cockpit)
It is an aircraft with retractable landing gear and a so-called 'Constant Speed Propellor'.
The simulator can hold 2 pilots, you as a visitor sit on the left in the captain's chair.
The cockpit contains a Garmin G1000, a modern 'glass' cockpit with screens for the flightinstruments and navigation but also an autopilot.
The vision system consists of 3 big screens.
The position of 'the aircraft' can be followed on a separate screen behind the simulator and the software used is X-Plane 12.

Frasca-141 (PH-FRB)
Both Frasca simulators date from the 1990s and were certified and used by the KLM Flight Academy.
We acquired them on July 22, 2020 and were trained by employees of the 'Museum for Flight Simulation' collected from Eelde.
Normally a Cessna-172 aircraft is simulated, but the flight characteristics can be set for several single-engine aircraft types.
Both single-seater trainers fly quite easily and accurately.
The control and flight movements of the session are displayed on a separate monitor, so they can be used for flight training (Grading).
These simulators are very suitable for pure instrument flying, with tolerances that suit the pilot selection:
Tolerance on headings ± 5 deg, at altitude ± 50 ft, on speed within ± 5 kts and timed turns ± 5 seconds.
The PH-FRB is equipped with visuals so that it can be flown by sight.

Frasca-141 (PH-FRA)
This PH-FRA is almost identical to the PH-FRB but lacks the vision system.
Don't be distracted by what's happening outside during instrument flying!

Gat-1 Linktrainer (PH-CBR)
This simulator has been in our possession for more than 25 years.
An aircraft rotates around the transverse axis, an imaginary line that runs from wingtip to wingtip.
This movement, in which the nose moves up and down is called PITCH.
It also moves around the longitudinal axis, this imaginary line runs from the nose to the tail of the aircraft.
The aircraft tilts to the left or to the right and that is called ROLLING.
The position around the longitudinal axis is called CROSS SLOPE (Bank attitude).
The last movement is around the imaginary line that is perpendicular to the other two axes.
It rotates completely around its vertical axis, which is called YAWING (YAW).
This simulator also makes these 3 movements.
Get in, close the door and enjoy the experience!
Flightsimulation museum
Half Elfje 10a
5711 ES Someren
The Netherlands
tel. +31 6 3560 3940
NL19RABO 0178 0042 19